Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School

Success starts herePK3 through 8th Grade

Spiritual Formation

The fruit of Silence is Prayer
The fruit of Prayer is Faith
The fruit of Faith is Love
The fruit of Love is Service
The fruit of Service is Peace

Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta

As a Catholic parish and school, we help families grow in their faith relationship with Christ and his Church. Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and Catholic Social teachings are the foundation of our instruction. Students learn through religious instruction, service, liturgy and prayer. Catholic truths and values are integrated in all lessons taught in order for students to gain a unique perspective of daily life.

Some of the activities included in our curriculum are:

  • Daily prayer led by students during broadcast morning announcements, Angelus at noon, and afternoon prayer
  • Prayer at the beginning of each class
  • Weekly School Mass
  • School Mass on Holy Days of Obligation
  • Visits to the Grotto
  • Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
  • Reconciliation for 3rd - 8th grade
  • All Saints Day Celebration
  • Advent show focused on the birth of Christ
  • Catholic Schools Week Celebration
  • The Living Rosary for the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
  • The Way of the Cross during Holy Week
  • Student Retreats
  • Sacramental Preparation
    • Preparation and reception of First Reconciliation for 2nd graders
    • Preparation and reception of First Holy Communion for 2nd graders
    • Preparation and reception of Confirmation for 7th graders
  • May Crowning of Mary

PK 3

Book: Stories of God's Love - 3 and 4 (Benziger)

The students learn:

  • Jesus and my teacher welcome me.
  • God knows and loves me.
  • God gives us all that is good.
  • Jesus is God's Own Son.
  • I Belong to my Church family.
  • I tell God I love him.

Throughout the year, the student listen to stories from the Bible about God's love. They start learning about religious objects or sacramentals, the Holy Family, and start learning to do the sign of the cross.

PK 4

Book: Stories of God's Love - 4 and 5 (Benziger)

The students learn:

  • God knows and loves us.
  • God gave us the world.
  • Jesus is God's own Son.
  • God gives us our Church family.
  • We talk to God in prayer.
  • We celebrate holy days and holidays.

Throughout the year, the children listen to stories from the Bible about God's love. They learn what is the Bible, the cross and the advent wreath, practice the sign of the cross and continue to learn about the Holy Family. They also learn about the rosary and pray the rosary.


Book: We Believe - God Made the World (Sadlier)

The focus of Kindergarten is learning how creation and the life and teachings of Jesus reflect God's love. Throughout the year, the students will develop their ability to work and cooperate with others and care for others as Jesus did. This is accomplished by learning how to show respect, kindness and compassion. They will pray everyday not only for themselves but for others also. Students will also learn about the liturgical year, celebrate Mass and explore the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist.

They learn:

  • God gives us many gifts.
  • God is our creator.
  • Jesus shows us God's love.
  • Jesus wants us to share God's love.

1st Grade

Book: We Believe - God Loves Us (Sadlier)

The focus of Grade 1 is the love God has for us. Throughout the year, the students will learn about our faith and will understand that as followers of Jesus, we belong to the Church. They will celebrate and live our faith by celebrating the Mass, praying everyday, sharing their faith with others and by choosing to show love and respect to all.

They learn:

  • Jesus teaches us about God's love.
  • We are followers of Jesus .
  • We belong to the Church.
  • We celebrate and live our faith.

2nd Grade

Book: We Believe - Jesus Shares God's Life (Sadlier)

The focus of Grade 2 is Jesus and how he shares his life. During this year, the students will learn about their faith, and celebrate the Mass and sacraments. They will live their faith by praying everyday, sharing the faith with others and choosing to show love and respect. The students will also receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion.

They learn:

  • Jesus Christ is with us always.
  • Jesus calls us to penance and reconciliation.
  • Jesus gives himself in the Eucharist.
  • We live our Catholic faith.

3rd Grade

Book: We Believe - We Are the Church (Sadlier)

The focus of Grade 3 is the Church. The students will understand that the Church in every age has embraced the mission of evangelization, proclaiming the gospel of Jesus through its catechetical ministry. Throughout the school year, they will appreciate that Jesus gave us the Church and calls us to discipleship. We become members of the Church who leads us in worship.

They learn:

  • Jesus gives us the Church.
  • We are members of the Church.
  • The Church leads us in worship.
  • We are called to discipleship.

4th Grade

Book: We Believe - God's Law Guides Us (Sadlier)

The focus of Grade 4 is morality. The curriculum extends beyond the material that was presented in Grade 3 to include learning about the Beatitudes and the Ten Commandments. Throughout the school year, Jesus is presented to the students as the model of Christian life and love. Also, moral values are encouraged by looking at the lives of people who live according to those values.

They learn:

  • Growing in Jesus Christ.
  • The Commandments help us to love God.
  • The Commandments help us to love others.
  • We are called to holiness.

5th Grade

Book: We Believe - We Meet Jesus in the Sacraments (Sadlier)

The focus of Grade 5 is the Seven Sacraments. The students will learn about each of the Seven Sacraments, the root of each sacrament in Scripture, and the way each is celebrated in the Church today. They will study the symbols and rituals used in the celebration of each sacrament, and appreciate that in each sacrament we encounter Jesus Christ and receive the gift of grace to do what is right. In addition, they will deepen their experience of prayer and learn about Catholic devotions and the use of sacramentals. The students will also learn to love and serve as Jesus did and to invite others to follow Jesus.

They learn:

  • Jesus Christ shares his life with us.
  • The sacraments of Initiation.
  • The sacraments of Healing Restore Us.
  • We love and serve as Jesus did - the sacraments of Service or Commitment.

6th Grade

Book: We Believe - We Are God's People (Sadlier)

The focus of our Grade 6 program is the Old Testament. The study of the Hebrew Scriptures puts the children in touch with the roots of our faith. As sixth graders, their attempts to understand who God is, are more inclined to be guided by reason than by imagination. Nevertheless, imagination continues to play an important role in their understanding of God. Therefore, Bible stories, role-playing, music and poetry will be used to deepen their relationship with God.

They learn:

  • Salvation history.
  • God forms the covenant.
  • Building the covenant nation.

7th Grade

Book: We Live Our Faith - As Disciples of Jesus (Sadlier)

The focus of our Grade 7 program is the New Testament and the Sacraments. Seventh-grade students will come to know Jesus as one who grew up in his sense of identity and purpose, much as they do. They will encounter Jesus as someone who trusted his Father and who shows us his way to acceptance and obedience to the Father's will. The students will also appreciate the contemporary Catholic understanding of Scripture and give them tools to avoid fundamentalistic leanings that distort real Catholic doctrine and Scripture itself. In addition, as the students prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation, they will explore the Church's liturgy, especially the seven sacraments making the liturgical life of the Church their own.

They learn:

  • Who is God?
  • Who is Jesus?
  • How is Jesus Christ Alive in the Church Today?
  • The Seven Sacraments.

8th Grade

Book: We Live Our Faith - As Members of the Church (Sadlier)

The focus of our Grade 8 program is morality and the Church. The program is rooted in a desire to effectively serve our young people and guide them on their faith journey, inviting them to embark into the mystery of faith and the challenge of discipleship. It will emphasize the following teachings: formation of a good conscience, learning respect for God's law through the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes, responsibility for our gift of free will, and our call to holiness. This is achieved by involving the students in a variety of prayers, projects and worship experiences, also by the use of media and music.

Students learn:

  • To respond to God's love.
  • Make moral choices.
  • Follow God's laws.
  • Love God and Others.
  • Honor life and creation.
  • Respect for all people.
  • The early Church.
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